אימאג'נט בע"מ

אימאג'נט בע"מ
סריקת מבחנים, סקרים, בחירות ופריימריס

יום רביעי, 4 במאי 2016

Quiz to the brain. He challenges you with random tests of many subject

Brain Quiz - as its name. It makes Quiz to the brain. He challenges you with random tests of many subject and examines your abilities.
The option "RANDOM" whenever he chooses ten questions and showing you them one by one after which you get a score for your knowledge.
The option "SUBJECTS" you can select a topic from a variety of subjects - about 300 in number.
Online database taken from a database of site http://www.quizbang.co.uk/
This site is open to all and anyone can take away questions and that's what we do.
As they themselves point out the site: 
All questions in the database are in the public domain, so anyone can create and download a list of questions for any purpose - pub quizzes, online quizzes, etc. QuizBang also provides QWS (QuizBang Web Services), allowing a whole range of other websites and software to access the database and include quizzes on their pages, and so on.
To Download: Brain Quiz

יום שלישי, 19 באפריל 2016

BasketBall -a new game for Android

ActionBall, an amazing trivia and fun game, dealing with top basketball players and basketball terms. It is a member of a family of games, placing you in the center of fun and challenging experience.

For FREE, let your fingers do the winning of this enjoying basketball challenge.

Download: Google Play

The fun is wall to wall, but easy only if you have quick mind, good eye\hand coordination, concentration and good memory. You have it, you win.

You must navigate correct or false letters which randomly parachute from the sky into set of “good” baskets or into a garbage bin, hoping to put together a meaningful basketball player name or basketball term.

These names appear for a short time and then fade out. You must remember it before they disappear. Once disappearing, a rainfall of letters parachute from the sky begins to challenge you.

You must hold your device with both hands, and quickly but carefully tilt it to navigate the falling letters between surprisingly appearing obstacles, to direct and put the right letter in the right basket to recreate the disappearing name, while not losing points, time and even your nerves…

Warning! Do not be misled by false letters. Avoid hitting obstacles. Quickly bypass them or move them aside to clear the way.

Starting from 4 letter words being the lowest level, advancing to 9 and up letter words the real fun is at its peak.

If you hit a mine, it explodes on you and you lose points. If you place a false letter in the “good” baskets you lose points, if you place a correct letter in the wrong basket you lose points and so on.

If you hit randomly appearing balloons, you win bonus points and obviously if you place the right letter in the right basket you win points.

When you score enough points you win extra bonus points and go up to the next level and it becomes more challenging as you go up the ladder.

Come on, for FREE play it and show your friends. Good luck and be a winner.
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